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Why Step2 Design? post

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  • Category: Step2 Design

Picture this, you’ve had a product, brand or idea you want to bring to market but don’t have the skills or capacity at the minute to make it happen. So you turn to the trusted internet for some design help in making this a reality, you trawl through a number of freelancers, agencies and consultancies before landing on our website at Step2 Design and at this point you might be asking yourself why should I choose these guys to help me?

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Why Manufacturing In The UK Is So Important post

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  • Category: Technology

In a year where the world has been thrown upside down and countries have had to look more inwards, it has been made clear that we all rely too heavy on others to supply and feed our country. I am of course talking about the UK manufacturing industry which at its peak used to supply the world with 40% of the worlds manufacturing output.

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What Makes Designers So Great post

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  • Category: Design Trends

I know what you’re going to say, a design company talking about why designers are so great, this surely can’t be biased! Well buckle up and let’s find out if they really are.To start this off I feel we need to go back to what makes someone a designer, we can state the obvious in that someone needs to be creative, innovative, practical, and an outside the box thinker.

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Additive Manufacturing post

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  • Category: Technology

Now additive manufacture is a term that has been thrown around a lot recently, but what is additive manufacture? To put it in its most basic form it’s a type of 3D printing utilising metals as the printable materials, the process similar to an FDM printer extrudes filament on and XYZ axis to produce complex and interrogate forms that would otherwise be challenging to create via conventional manufacturing techniques.

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VR In Design post

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  • Category: Technology

Imagine being in your office or place of work and being able to place on a headset and connect with people from all over the world who can all view and walk around a model that has been created, being able to annotate a model and spin it around for people to view and examine. A seamless experience where you can fully immerse yourself in the design as if you had the real-life prototype in front of you!

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